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WWCA Executive Committee Meeting July 8, 2004

08/17/2004, 7:53pm CDT
By President

WWCA Executive Committee Meeting
July 8, 2004
Fin n Feather

Meeting called to order by President Luke Francois.

Members Present: Luke Francois, Ken Manning, Don Hale, Barry Schmitt, Mel
Dow, Scott Schmitz, Blaine Felsman, Larry Marchionda, John Stockowitz,
Jerry Barr, Wendall Bean, Don Hartman, Bob Skubal, Ed Lenard, Bob Olson,
Craig Belcher, Bob Empey, Dave McCarthy.

Steve Lowney addressed the organization in regards to a send-off party on
August 6th for Garrett Lowney to the 2004 Olympics. He had fundraising
kits for members who wished to help support Garrett
Larry Marchionda made a motion to buy 3 fundraising kits which included
raffle tickets in the amount of $1500.00. The tickets would be in the
name of the WWCA. Craig Belcher seconded the motion. Motion carried.

The President
relationship with the WIAA has been very good. Scott Schmitz was
presented with an award from the National Federation High School Coaches
Association for being the Central Sectional Coach of the Year.

Don Hale gave the Secretary
the credit card payment however this has not been done yet. Craig Belcher
made a motion to accept the secretary
Schmitt seconded the report. Motion carried.

There was no official Treasurer
$22,144.70 as our present balance.

John Stockowitz gave the Fall Clinic Report. John handed out a flyer for
the Clinic scheduled on November 5th and 6th 2004. John
the clinic information on the Web-Site by the end of this month. John is
working on a credit card plan with a bank in East Troy. He will work with
Bob Olson for registration through the Web-Site. They will check with
Eric Lehrke to see if he is working with Associated Bank.

Awards Chairman Mel Dow passed out a picture of the award handed out to
the officials who worked the State Tournaments. There were many fine
compliments. Mel also passed out WWCA Award records from 1977 to the
present. Again Mel was commended for his excellent work.

Dave McCarthy gave the Public Relations report. Dave stated the voting on
line was working better and he was planning on a 2 week window on the
Web-Site next year for voting. He also reported nothing has been decided
on TV coverage for the State tournament at this point.

Bob Olson gave his report on the Web-site. He asked if we should pursue
credit card payment. This again will be looked into if possible to make
it work without any problems. It was suggested District reps should have
encouraged the committee and coaches to send updates on all items such as
awards and golf dates etc. to the Web-site. We should use the classified
ads. Coaches should use the Web-site to report scores as well.

Blaine Felsman gave his report on the WWCA Golf Outing. There were 26
golfers and the outing made money. Blaine would like more raffle items
and hole sponsors for outing. We need to have executive members looking
for hole sponsors and raffle items. Blaine will look at June18, 2005 as a
tentative date for next year.

Jerry Barr expressed his thanks to the Hall of Fame selection committee
and set the meeting for next year for July 14, 2005 at the Fin n
in Winneconne. The meeting will begin at 9:30 a.m. The question in
regards to the number of recommendations in the files of prospective Hall
of Fame nominees was discussed. Craig Belcher made a motion for a minimum
of 5 and a maximum of 10 be in the folders. Blaine Felsman seconded the
motion. Motion carried. Present folders of Hall of Fame nominees would
be grandfathered. Don Hartman questioned how long nominee
kept active. It was decided last year to be active for 10 years. Dave
McCarthy made a motion for coaches with 30 years of coaching be contacted
and nominated for the Hall of Fame by their District Reps. After
discussion the motion was tabled and members of the committee will check
with other Hall of Fame Committees in different sports to get information
on their selection process.

Don Hartman reported on the History of the WWCA project. Don received
materials from Steve Martin and past minutes from Don Hale. Don is quite
excited about the materials and the project and will meet with Jim
Stephenson in August to work on the project. Don Hale made a motion to
reimburse Don Hartman for the copying of materials. Ed Lenard seconded
the motion. Motion carried.

Ken Manning gave his report on the WWCA yearbook. Ken stated he would be
willing to do it every year. He suggested 1000 copies of the yearbook
would be plenty. It was decided Ken
for compiling the yearbooks.

Luke Francois reported on radio coverage for Wisconsin Wrestling. Luke
passed out a handbook explaining the process for the radio coverage and
the cost. Luke expressed if anyone knew of someone who would be able to
sponsor the radio coverage to get in touch with him.

In regards to a Preferred Site List for the State Tournament series, the
WIAA would like a Preferred Site list from the WWCA Executive Committee. 
Don Hartman suggested a site review committee to help the WIAA with the

Ed Lenard presented the Mentor packet for new coaches. He suggested
committee members look over the packet and send any other ideas to Ed by
August 1st.

Bob Empey reported the WWCA/All American Scholarship was won by Eddie
Blumenthal of Stoughton.

Scott Schmitz reported on the State Coach/National Team Support. Scott
stated the approximate cost to fund the project would be $5500.00. This
will be on the agenda in the future.

The WWCA Membership Card was discussed with some questions in regards to
1. Should numbers be put on the cards? 2. What can the card be used for? 
Mel Dow and Jerry Barr will look at an incentive package and bring the
membership card back for discussion in the future.

Luke relayed information from the 7% Committee and the Rules Advisory
Committee. Summer contact was again brought up. The Committee was
looking for summer contact through the end of July.

Wendall Bean suggested we contact the other Wisconsin Olympians to give
them financial support.

Craig Belcher made a motion to adjourn. Mel Dow seconded the motion. 
Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 4:25 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Don Hale
WWCA Secretary

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