WWCA Executive Committee Meeting
November 5, 2004
Regency Suites-Green Bay
President Luke Francois called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.
Members Present: Luke Francois, Bob Empey, Blaine Felsman, Ken Manning, Bob Olson, Don Hale, Wendall Bean, Eric Lehrke, Dave McCarthy, Jerry Barr, Barry Schmitt, Ed Lenard, Dave Black, Fred Lehrke, Craig Belcher, Scott Schmitz, Mel Dow, Kevin Morin.
Luke gave an overview of the clinic and stated everything was running smooth. John Stockowitz was purchasing TV�s again this year for the clinic to use and then have them available for the raffle.
Don Hale handed out the Secretary�s report. Ken Manning made a motion to accept the Secretary�s report. Craig Belcher 2nd. Motion Carried
Eric Lehrke gave the Treasurer�s report. There is a current balance of $22,224.70. Barry Schmitt made a motion to accept the Treasurer�s report. Wendall Bean 2nd . Motion Carried.
Awards Chairman Mel Dow requested District coaches pick up their district awards and present them. Award presenters were assigned for the Banquet. Mitch Hull will present the National Hall of Fame recipients.
Public Relations Chairman Dave McCarthy stated that he expects all 57 seats in the Kohl Center Suite to be sold. He also mentioned he would like to see coaches use the Initiate Pathway on the Website.
Bob Olson gave a handout on items to be addressed. The Website will have a new look. It will have many more updates and information available to coaches. He also mentioned that Justin Tritz will put all scores on the website. Bob said we should make us of the classified ads and to make sure materials get mailed electronically if possible.
Blaine Felsman reported on the Golf outing which is slated for June 25, 2005 at Westhaven Golf Course in Oshkosh. He would like to get more sponsors from around the state instead of hitting the same ones from his area that donate to the clinic.
Hall of Fame Chairman Jerry Barr reported the Banquet will have 400 coaches in addition to another 200+people for the dinner. Jerry has been working on the Hall of Fame area in the Camp Randall Fieldhouse. At this time it is not sure if the WWCA Hall of Fame will have an area for the plaques. Luke would like to have someone be on the committee for the Proposal Project for the Hall of Fame area. Jerry would like to see the Hall of Fame replacement done electronically, but we will have to wait until we know more about what will be done with the Fieldhouse.
Luke spoke on the Radio Promos and played an example for the committee. The radio spots will be narrated by Joe Miller and repeated 6 times per day on Tuesdays and Wednesday�s beginning on Dec. 13, 2004 through March 12, 2005. Among the sponsors to help with the funding are the Marines and Mueller Sports Products. The Shockley Foundation will donate $3,000.00. Craig Belcher made a motion for the WWCA to sponsor up to $5000.00 to the Wisconsin Radio Network for the Wrestling Promotion spots. Dave McCarthy 2nd. Motion carried.
Television coverage on the Individual State Tournament will be tape delayed on the Fox North Network. Twelve to 14 spots at $1500.00 each will be needed to televise the event. Mel Dow made a motion that if we get close to the goal that the WWCA fund 2 sponsorships at $1500.00 each for 1 year. Ed Lenard 2nd. Motion carried
Ed Lenard presented the Mentor Packet. Ed received many fine comments on how well done the Mentor Packet was.
Luke gave an overview of the WIAA rules on summer contact. Summer contact with wrestlers will be available for coaches from the end of the school years through July 31st.
The committee was given a Wrestling Rules Survey in regards to changing the weights and the number of weight classes. The survey also included a new tiebreaker procedure. The committee took a straw poll and they were in favor of both proposals.
Dave McCarthy made a motion to donate $200.00 to WSCO radio for sponsoring their weekly wrestling radio program. Don Hale 2nd. Motion carried.
Ken Manning made a motion to pay 3 students $7.00 per hour for their work on the WWCA Yearbook. The total number of hours worked were 32. Craig Belcher 2nd. Motion carried.
The WWCA scholarship for $2500.00 for Eddie Blumenthal was returned because he decided not to go to school. After discussion Ed Lenard made a motion to give the money to the 2nd or 3rd choice until it is used. Jerry Barr 2nd. Motion carried.
Scott Schmitz made a motion to adjourn. Craig Belcher 2nd. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 11:50 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Don Hale
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