WWCA Annual Business Meeting
Regency Suites- Green Bay
November 6, 2004
President Luke Francois called the meeting to order at 7:55 a.m.
Secretary Don Hale read the minutes from the last annual business meeting. Barry Schmitt made a motion to accept the Secretary�s report. Craig Belcher 2nd. Motion carried.
The Treasurer�s report was tabled.
Luke gave a State of the State Wrestling Address. Luke talked about the promoting of the sport in regards to radio and television. With the help of Terry Shockley, the Wisconsin Radio Network, and various sponsors; there will be radio promos highlighting wrestling events during the wrestling season. Beginning on December 13, 2004 through March 12, 2005 there will be 6 one minute spots on Tuesday and Wednesday between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Luke played a sample recording narrated by Joe Miller for the association. He also mentioned to the association that we are still looking for sponsors. If association members know of any possible sponsors they should contact Luke.
As for television coverage the Fox Sports North Network is working with the WIAA on televising a tape delayed program covering the Individual State Tournament. All Divisions would be shown. There would be eighteen- 30 second spots sold for advertising at $1500.00 per spot. The due date to sell the spots to assure the coverage is January 15th. The Individual Tournament was selected instead of the Team Tournament because it would be represented by more communities.
Summer contact was also reported on. Summer Contact will begin the 1st day school is out until July 31st and will begin in 2005. Concerns mentioned included weight cutting, wrestler burnout, and coach�s burnout. However, one has to remember summer contact is optional. Luke stress to the association that we don�t abuse this privilege.
The next discussion centered on the National Survey in regards to changing weight classes and lowering the number of weight classes. Several concerns were addressed to Luke and he will take them back to the Wrestling Rules Advisory Committee. Among the questions asked were: 1. Why and how were these weight classes selected? 2. Why 12 weight classes? As far as changing any weight classes in Wisconsin; that would not happen until the National Federation would make any changes. The second item on the survey dealt with the tie-breaker system and the majority of coaches voted no to changing the present rule.
Luke reminded the association to be involved in the voting system on the Website. He also reminded the association about some of the accomplishments that were done this year: 1) Radio and Television promotion. 2) Revision of the WWCA Constitution.
Mel Dow made a motion to adjourn. Barry Schmitt 2nd. Meeting adjourned at 8:53 a.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Don Hale
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