WWCA Executive Committee
February 26, 2005
Kohl Center
Madison, WI
The meeting was called to order by President Luke Francois at 7:00 a.m.
Members Present were: Luke Francois, Scott Schmitz, Don Hartman, Bob Olson, Wendall Bean, Barry Schmitt, Bob Skubal, Dave McCarthy, Bob Empey, Mel Dow, Dave Black, Craig Belcher, Ed Lenard, Don Hale, Ken Manning, Jerry Barr, Eric Lehrke, Blaine Felsman, Larry Marchionda, Keith Morin. Also attending were WWF coaches Tony Black and Kevin Black.
Don Hale gave the Secretary�s Report. Ken Manning made a motion to accept the Secretary�s Report. Bob Skubal 2nd. Motion carried.
Eric Lehrke gave the Treasurer�s Report with a present balance of $13,051.04. Craig Belcher made a motion to accept the Treasurer�s Report. Blaine Felsman 2nd. Motion carried.
Awards Chairman Mel Dow commented on the positive response by the officials in regards to the awards they received for officiating the State Tournament. The officials were very appreciative. Awards presenters for the state Tournament would again be members of the WWCA Executive Committee and Hall of Fame Members.
Public Relations Chairman Dave McCarthy stated the Nicholas Suit arrangements were fine. Dave stated that voting on the web-site seems to be in place. Ed Lenard made a suggestion that he plans to e-mail his district to remind them about voting. Other District Reps. might want to do the same.
Web-page director Bob Olson stated the new look on the web-page is exciting and everything seems to be going well.
Ken Manning commented on the Fall Clinic. He and John Stockowitz are planning to use Wisconsin Clinicians from the UW-System for the clinics. He suggested the possibility of a mat for coaches to participate �hands-on.� John is also looking into future Clinic sites. Both LaCrosse and Wisconsin Dells are interested in hosting the Wrestling Clinic and Hall of Fame Banquet.
Ken Manning and Don Hale will work on updating and correcting the WWCA Yearbook.
Hall of Fame Chairman Jerry Barr reported that there were no up-dates in regards to the display in the fieldhouse. The portable display is getting shown at various sites around the state. Jerry stated the Hall of Fame meeting will be held at the Fin N� Feather in Winneconne on July 14th beginning at 9:00 a.m.
Blain Felsman reported the WWCA Golf Outing will be held on June 25, 2005 at Westhaven Golf Course in Oshkosh. Blaine would like District Reps. to help with door prizes and possible sponsors. The cost to sponsor a hole would be $100.00.
Don Hartman reported on the Alumni committee�s project of the WWCA history was going well at this point. He has received a large amount of materials from Duane Kleven and Steve Martin. The committee plans to meet today at 11:00 a.m. to further develop ideas and assignments for the history of the WWCA. The committee will also meet on July 14th in Winneconne while the Hall of Fame Committee meets. Dave McCarthy made a motion for the WWCA cover the meals and mileage of the alumni committee for the July 14the meeting. Eric Lehrke second. Motion carried.
Craig Belcher made a motion to reimburse $140.00 to Luke Francois for the parking passes. Ed Lenard second. Motion carried.
Luke reported on the Radio and TV coverage. The radio spots will be covered by 72 radio stations state-wide with 16 messages. Although the messages did not run the full season, it was a good start. The State Individual Tournament will run on tape delay for all 3 divisions. The cost for TV coverage will be $17,000.00. Among the contributors were All American Sports for $3,000.00.
Mel Dow made a motion for the WWCA to allocate $850.00 towards the TV coverage to bring the total to $16,000.00 and guarantee the coverage. Other contributors were All American Wrestling Supply, Crossface, Dollamur, WWF, USA Wrestling, Dale Mulder, and a silent contributor. Ken Manning second. Motion carried.
Dave McCarthy praised Luke Francois on his efforts for the TV coverage.
Scott Schmitz reported on the High School All-American Tournament in Cleveland, Ohio. April 7th. After discussion, Luke suggested Wisconsin should send a team of seniors to the tournament. Dave Black addressed the group and stated Tony and Kevin Black would help organize and coach the team.
Bob Empey reported Dave Miller of All-American would sponsor a scholarship on behalf of WWCA and All-American in the amount of $2500.00. The person will be selected by May 1st.
The rest of the meeting dealt with informational items in regards to the Wresting Coaches Advisory Meeting and the 7% committee.
Items discussed included wrestle backs with talk of sliding wrestlers into higher seeds if a wrestler can not participate.
Other items include an additional pound for the 3rd consecutive day of wrestling due to extenuating circumstances such as a winter storm. There was also a question if a wrestler receives an extra pound if they don�t weigh in on the first day of the tournament.
The WWCA did go on record recommending 3 chairs being available in the corner of tournaments to be used for coaching, videotaping, score keeping: whatever the coaches decide they need the chairs for. Luke Francois will draw up a letter to be used to help wrestling programs in jeopardy. He will send such a letter to Hurley regarding the elimination of their wresting program
Assistant Referee�s, ringworm, 8th grade participation, and weight class reduction were discussed with no action taken.
Ed Lenard made a motion to adjourn Bob Skubal second. Meeting adjourned at 9:12 a.m.
Respectfully submitted
Don Hale
WWCA Secretary
Next Meeting
Thursday July 14, 2005 9:00A.M.
Fin N� Feather Winneconne, WI
Tag(s): News