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WWCA Executive Committee Meeting 7/14/05

08/19/2005, 7:39pm CDT
By President

July 14, 2005

The meeting was called to order by President Bob Empey at 12:38 p.m.
Members present were Bob Empey, Scott Schmitz, Don Hale, Blaine Felsman, Dave McCarthy, Luke Francois, Jerry Barr, Ed Lenard, Barry Schmitt, Bob Skubal, Craig Belcher, Ken Manning, Bob Olson, Wendall Bean, John Stockowitz, and Allen Bauman also represented the Alumni Committee.

Bob Empey opened the meeting with a Thank you to outgoing President Luke Francois for a job well done.

Don Hale gave the Secretary's Report. Craig Belcher made a motion to accept the Secretary's Report. Scott Schmitz 2nd. Motion Carried.

No Treasurer's Report.

Public Relations Chairman Dave McCarthy reported on the Elections timetable. He would like to see Nominations presented in February and end March 8th. District voting would then begin on March 8th and end on March 18th. The third step would then begin on March 19th and be completed by March 29th. Dave realizes District reps. are encouraging coaches to vote, but he is still hoping more coaches will be get involved in the process. It was also suggested that 20 and 30 year awards be directly sent to new Awards Chairman Don Kreuser. Dave stated the Nicholas Suite will again be available for the Individual State Tournament. Dave would also like to see more college coaches involved with the WWCA and the WWF. It would be nice if they got together to do something such as House for Humanity.

The National Wrestling Coaches Association Representative will become the Past-Presidents responsibility. Luke Francois will be our representative. Luke will attend the NWCA Convention. Ken Manning made a motion to have Luke keep track of his expenses and turn them in to the WWCA. Bob Skubal 2nd. Motion carried.

Coaches will be asked to turn in results to Justin Tritz of Track Wrestling.Com. The results will in turn go to their local newspapers.

Web-Site Director Bob Olson stated the web-site election went quite well. The only hitch was the end of the night switch-over. Bob will check with Deb to see if a 1 day window could be available to eliminate this small problem. Bob suggested the use of the classified ads. Should we keep the password in order to get to the ads? It was decided to contact Bob Olson for all classified ads.

Fall Clinic Chairmen John Stockowitz and Ken Manning reported on the Fall Clinic. The Clinic will be held November 4 & 5 at the Green Bay Regency Suites. We are also contracted to hold the Clinic on November 3 & 4, 2006 at the Green Bay Regency Suites. Ken and John will travel to La Crosse to look at their proposal for upcoming Clinic dates. The clinic in 2007 might be changed to the weekend of Teacher's Convention. John presented the clinic brochure for corrections and updates. Ed Lenard and Bob Skubal will handle the clinic raffles. District reps are again encouraged to help with prizes.

Luke Francois made a motion to reduce the USA package from $30.00 to $25.00 and increase the WWCA dues from $20.00 to $25.00. This would make the clinic $130.00 in advance and $150.00 after the deadline. To max out for NWCA membership the cost would be $160.00. John Stockowitz 2nd. Motion failed

It was suggested the WWF annual meeting held in New Lisbon be incorporated to be held in Green Bay after the WIAA meeting. This will make it easier for coaches to attend. Bob Empey will check on this.

After a discussion on membership dues, Craig Belcher made a motion to raise membership dues $5.00. Jerry Barr 2nd. Motion failed.

Don Hale suggested the WWCA explain the costs of the clinic and possible membership dues and changes in regards to USA Wrestling, Wisconsin Wrestling Federation, and NWCA to the coaches at the Annual meeting.

Hall of Fame Chairman Jerry Barr reported the next Hall of Fame selection meeting will be held on July 13, 2006 at the Fin & Feather in Winneconne. Jerry stated at the present time there are no plans to put the George Martin Hall of Fame in the Fieldhouse. Duane Kleven suggested we contact Howard Johnson's in Madison for a Wall to display the Hall of Fame members. We could also become part of the Kohl Hall of Fame at a cost of $3800.00. To become part of this we would have to pay an annual fee. Scott Schmitz asked for Jerry to find out the annual fee amount. We would still use our portable Hall of Fame display. Luke Francois made a motion to spend $3800.00 for the kiosk display in the Kohl Center. John Stockowitz 2nd. Barry Schmitt amended the motion to limit the each additional member to be added at $500.00 per member. Motion carried.

Blaine Felsman reported on the WWCA Golf Outing. Blaine reported a profit of $2114.41. He thanked the raffle donors and hole sponsors for donating money and prizes. Next year he would like to have a Celebrity golfer. Next years Golf outing will be on June 17, 2006 at Lake Breeze Golf course in Winneconne. Blaine received a special thanks from the Executive Board for a job well done.

Al Bauman reported on the progress of the Alumni Committee. The committee has been working on the WWCA history. They also have intertwined the history with information researched from the Coaches Federation, Rules Advisory Committees, etc. Bob Olson asked for any extra help for the history. A great deal of information about the History of Wrestling in Wisconsin was found in a book It's Not Just The Game by Matt Otte. Allen Bauman also stated a special thank you to Jim Stephenson and Don Hartman for getting the Hall of Fame started and also taking on the project of the WWCA history. Ken Manning suggested the possibility of the WWCA history be included in the WWCA Yearbook.

Luke Francois reported on the Radio and Television coverage. He stated television coverage will not be produced as part of the package with football, basketball, with Fox North Net. The WIAA has taken over this over which is good for our association. It will result in coverage of the individual tournament with a long range plan for the Team Tournament and also a montage of the overall wrestling tournaments. Luke was heartily thanked for his efforts in regards to the radio and television coverage.

Eric Metzler won the All American Scholarship. He will check with his coaches at Northwestern University to see if he can accept the scholarship.

State Coach Scott Schmitz said he would like to get more wrestlers to go to the National tournament. He was in more need of help to organize the team. With more wrestlers involved, he said Kevin and Tony Black would help as needed.

Under new business, Rich Carlson of Wisconsin Heights has sent a proposal to Dave Anderson of the WIAA for wrestling back to 3rd place at the Individual State Tournament. Rich presently helps organize the scoring and planning at the State Tournament.

Luke Francois made a motion to give an award to the coach whose team wins the Individual State Tournament. The scoring would be done through Track Wrestling. Com. Ken Manning 2nd. Motion Carried. The award will be presented at the WWCA Fall Clinic. This will be started with the 2005 State Individual Tournament.

Bob Empey talked to Dave Anderson of the WIAA regards to open contact and there seems to be no problems.

Regarding an update on Weight Class changes, there is no change at the present time. Weight classes may be changed by the National Federation in the future.

Barry Schmitt expressed his concern about the number of weight classes and 7th and 8th grade wrestlers. Rather than having a discussion at the annual meeting he suggested sending out a survey to ask if weight classes should be reduced.

Craig Belcher mentioned a concern that Athletic Directors have regarding the cost of tournaments. They wonder about raising the money to participate in the tournaments.

Jerry Barr made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Scott Schmitz 2nd. Meeting adjourned at 3:53 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Don Hale WWCA Secretary

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